
First, we start by importing our generator, that will generate example instances for us, and the OnlineSolver.

from fast_online_packing import instance_generator as generator
from fast_online_packing.online_solver import OnlineSolver

n_instants = 400
cost_dim = 5

We also set the total number of instants (rounds) to 400, and the cost dimension to 5. This means our cost vectors will have a length of 5.

Ok. Lets generate an example of the Packing LP problem, and then feed it to the solver.

delta = 0.3
values, costs, cap, e = generator.generate_valid_instance(
    delta, n_instants, cost_dim, items_per_instant=3)

s = OnlineSolver(cost_dim, n_instants, cap, e)

On the example generation, notice the following:

  • items_per_instant = 3: this means on each instant or round, there will be 3 options available for the user/algorithm to choose from.

  • delta = 0.3: this means we’ll use the first 30% of rounds to estimate an algorithm parameter (Z).

Great! Now lets solve the instance in an online fashion:

print("\n>> Online solver parameters:")

# play the game, round by round
for v, c in zip(values, costs):
    s.pack_one(v, c)

# check and compare against the offline optimum
if not s.respect_premises():
    print("\n! OBS ! constrains violated.")

The output should be similary to:

Online solver parameters:
capacity = 285
cost dimension = 5
e = 0.07514752537472016
delta = 0.2998953403788148
initial phase size = 120
total time = 400

Opt: 298.1102216801745
Alg: 249.78456377970605
Score Alg = 0.838 * Opt
    min {B, TOPT} = 285.000
    B = 285
    TOPT = 298.1102216801745

Wow! Take a look at that! We used 30% of the instants to estimate algorithm parameters (Z), choosing randomly at those instants, and still managed to make 83.4% of the optimum in an online way! Very impressive.

Thanks to Agrawal and Devanur’s “Fast Algorithms for Online Stochastic Convex Programming”!

Disclaimer about theoretical guarantees: It is possible that some of the premises for the algorithm are violated. In that case, the excelent theoretical guarantees we counted on here are not valid. That’s what the last lines of the code and output are for. Sadly, one of the premises depends on the offline optimum, meaning we can only find out if the algorithm fulfilled it’s premises after we end all the rounds, because this check will require us to compute the offline optimum.

Full code below:

from fast_online_packing import instance_generator as generator
from fast_online_packing.online_solver import OnlineSolver

n_instants = 400
cost_dim = 5

delta = 0.3
values, costs, cap, e = generator.generate_valid_instance(
    delta, n_instants, cost_dim, items_per_instant=3)

s = OnlineSolver(cost_dim, n_instants, cap, e)

print("\n>> Online solver parameters:")

for v, c in zip(values, costs):
    s.pack_one(v, c)

if not s.respect_premises():
    print("\n! OBS ! constrains violated.")