Instance Generator Module

This module helps with generation of instances for our problem.

instance_generator.generate_random_instance(n_instants: int, cost_dim: int, items_per_instant: int = 1)Tuple[List[List[float]], List[List[List[float]]], float, float][source]

Generates random values, costs and capacity for a Packing Problem instance. Instances generated here may not respect guarantees constraints.


Number of instants to be generated.


Dimension of the cost vectors to be generated.


Number of items that should be available in each instant.

valueslist of list of float

A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item’s values.

costslist of list of list of float

A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item’s cost vectors.


A random problem capacity.


The best theorical epsilon for the generated problem.

instance_generator.generate_valid_instance(target_delta: float, n_instants: int, cost_dim: int, items_per_instant: int = 1)Tuple[List[List[float]], List[List[List[float]]], float, float][source]

Generates values for a problem instance that respect guarantees premises, thus, theoric guarantees should be valid (see Notes section below).


Capacity will be set with the constraint that delta <= target_delta.


Number of instants to be generated.


Dimension of the cost vectors to be generated.


Number of items that should be available in each instant.

valueslist of list of float

A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item’s values.

costslist of list of list of float

A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item’s cost vectors.


A random problem capacity.


The best theorical epsilon for the generated problem.


target_delta should be calibrated relative to n_instants. Setting a target_delta too low can cause the \(optimum\_value\_sum \geq \log d / \epsilon^2\) premise to be violated. Setting target_delta too high is not ideal since the algorithm chooses the items randomly in the first target_delta fraction of instants.

The only premise that is guaranteed here is that \(cap \geq \log d / \epsilon^2\). The \(optimum\_value\_sum \geq \log d / \epsilon^2\) premise is not asserted since it would require solving the instance to find optimum_value_sum, making this function slow. Setting a higher target_delta will increase the chance that this premise is valid.