Source code for instance_generator

"""This module helps with generation of instances for our problem.
from typing import List, Tuple, Callable
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from math import log, sqrt, floor

def _find_cap(target_delta: float, cost_dim: int) -> float:
    """Find capacity such that epsilon <= 0.5 (MWU guarantees) and
    delta < target_delta (so we dont waste many values estimating Z).

    Here we consider only integer values for the capacity, and
    use binary search to find the smallest valid capacity in
    logarithmic time.
    # function to compute the best (lowest) epsilon
    e: Callable[[float], float] = lambda c: sqrt(log(cost_dim, 2)/c)
    # function to compute hardest/"most restrictive" (lowest) delta based on capacity
    delta: Callable[[float], float] = lambda c: (12 / c) * log((cost_dim+2)*c / log(cost_dim))

    # Binary search to find ideal capacity
    left: float = 12 * log((cost_dim+2)/log(cost_dim))
    right: float = 1e10
    while left < right:
        mid: float = floor((left + right) / 2)
        if (delta(mid) > target_delta or e(mid) > 0.5-1e-6):
            left = mid+1
            right = mid
    return left

def _get_random_values(n_instants: int, items_per_instant: int) -> List[List[float]]:
    """Generates the list of items values randomly.
    return [[random.random() for _ in range(items_per_instant)]
            for _ in range(n_instants)]

def _get_random_costs(n_instants: int, items_per_instant: int, cost_dim: int) -> List[List[List[float]]]:
    """Generates the list of items costs randomly.
    weights: List[List[List[float]]] = [[] for _ in range(n_instants)]
    for t in weights:
        for _ in range(items_per_instant):
            t.append([random.random() for _ in range(cost_dim)])
    return weights

[docs]def generate_valid_instance(target_delta: float, n_instants: int, cost_dim: int, items_per_instant: int = 1) -> \ Tuple[List[List[float]], List[List[List[float]]], float, float]: """Generates values for a problem instance that respect guarantees premises, thus, theoric guarantees should be valid (see Notes section below). Parameters ---------- target_delta : float Capacity will be set with the constraint that delta <= `target_delta`. n_instants : int Number of instants to be generated. cost_dim : int Dimension of the cost vectors to be generated. items_per_instant : int Number of items that should be available in each instant. Returns ------- values : list of list of float A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item's values. costs : list of list of list of float A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item's cost vectors. cap : float A random problem capacity. e : float The best theorical epsilon for the generated problem. Notes ----- `target_delta` should be calibrated relative to `n_instants`. Setting a `target_delta` too low can cause the :math:`optimum\\_value\\_sum \\geq \\log d / \\epsilon^2` premise to be violated. Setting `target_delta` too high is not ideal since the algorithm chooses the items randomly in the first `target_delta` fraction of instants. The only premise that is guaranteed here is that :math:`cap \\geq \\log d / \\epsilon^2`. The :math:`optimum\\_value\\_sum \\geq \\log d / \\epsilon^2` premise is not asserted since it would require solving the instance to find `optimum_value_sum`, making this function slow. Setting a higher `target_delta` will increase the chance that this premise is valid. """ assert items_per_instant > 0 assert cost_dim > 0 assert target_delta + 1e-6 < 1 assert target_delta - 1e-6 > 0 values: List[List[float]] = _get_random_values(n_instants, items_per_instant) costs: List[List[List[float]]] = _get_random_costs(n_instants, items_per_instant, cost_dim) cap = _find_cap(target_delta, cost_dim) e = sqrt(log(cost_dim)/cap) return values.copy(), deepcopy(costs), cap, e
[docs]def generate_random_instance(n_instants: int, cost_dim: int, items_per_instant: int = 1) -> \ Tuple[List[List[float]], List[List[List[float]]], float, float]: """Generates random values, costs and capacity for a Packing Problem instance. Instances generated here may not respect guarantees constraints. Parameters ---------- n_instants : int Number of instants to be generated. cost_dim : int Dimension of the cost vectors to be generated. items_per_instant : int Number of items that should be available in each instant. Returns ------- values : list of list of float A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item's values. costs : list of list of list of float A list containing, for each instant, a list with that instant item's cost vectors. cap : float A random problem capacity. e : float The best theorical epsilon for the generated problem. """ assert items_per_instant > 0 assert cost_dim > 0 values: List[List[float]] = _get_random_values(n_instants, items_per_instant) costs: List[List[List[float]]] = _get_random_costs(n_instants, items_per_instant, cost_dim) cap = random.random() * n_instants/2 e = sqrt(log(cost_dim, 2)/cap) return values.copy(), deepcopy(costs), cap, e