Source code for mwu_max

"""Implements a MWU-max method.

    The MWU implemented here tries to maximize a cost function (gains function, in this case).
    This is done by alocating probabilities in the available dimensions, with the constraint that
    the sum of allocated probabilities is <= 1.
from typing import List
import copy

[docs]class MwuMax: """Class that implements MWU-max algorithm. Parameters ---------- n_experts : int Dimension of the problem cost function. eps : float Calibration parameter that regulates the step-size of the updates. Methods ------- update_weights(expert_gains: List[float]) Update mwu probabilities based on a new input of the cost function. get_probs() Get a copy of the currently allocated probabilities. get_n_experts() Get the number of dimensions used in this instance. Notes ----- Usually, the mwu respects the following restriction: :math:`\\sum_{i=1}^d p_i = 1`, where :math:`p_i` is the probability or weight attributed to dimnesion :math:`i`. In order to accomodate the restriction that :math:`\\sum_{i=1}^d p_i \\leq 1`, we consider an extra dimension, which always receives cost 0. """ _n_experts: int _eps: float _weights: List[float] _probs: List[float] def __init__(self, n_experts: int, eps: float): assert n_experts > 0 assert eps > 1e-6 assert eps < 0.5-1e-6 self._n_experts = n_experts self._eps = eps self._weights = [1 for _ in range(self._n_experts)] # here we use _n_experts+1 because of the extra dimension to transform the # equality constraint into <=. self._probs = [1/(self._n_experts+1) for _ in range(self._n_experts)]
[docs] def update_weights(self, expert_gains: List[float]) -> List[float]: """Update mwu probailitiesbased on a new input of the cost function. Parameters ---------- expert_gains : list of float A list containing the new input from the cost function. Length must match instance dimension. Returns ------- list of float Updated probabilies of each dimension. """ assert len(expert_gains) == self._n_experts for i in range(self._n_experts): self._weights[i] *= (1 + self._eps * expert_gains[i]) # we sum an extra 1 that is the extra expert weight sum_weights = sum(self._weights)+1 for i in range(self._n_experts): self._probs[i] = self._weights[i] / sum_weights return copy.copy(self._probs)
[docs] def get_probs(self) -> List[float]: """Getter for the current probabilities. Returns ------- list of float Current probabilies of each dimension. """ return copy.copy(self._probs)
[docs] def get_n_experts(self) -> int: """Getter for the number of dimensions (experts) in this instance. Returns ------- int The number of experts. """ return self._n_experts