Source code for offline_solvers.google_knapsack_solver

from ortools.algorithms import pywrapknapsack_solver
from typing import List, Any, Tuple, Union
from fast_online_packing.offline_solvers.base_solver import BaseSolver

[docs]class GoogleKnapsackSolver(BaseSolver): """Google OR-Tools solver for the multi-dimensional Knapsack problem using integer values. Parameters ---------- values Refer to the BaseSolver parameters. costs Refer to the BaseSolver parameters. capacity Refer to the BaseSolver parameters. decimal_places : int Decimal precision used to scale floats in values and costs into integers. Attributes ---------- optimum_value : float or int The optimum value found for the LP problem. packed_items : list of int A list containing the indexes of the items chosen in each instant. packed_weight_sum : list of float A list containing the optimal solution's total cost for each dimension. solver The instance of the used OR-Tools `pywrapknapsack_solver.KnapsackSolver` solver. adapted_values : list of int `values` scaled into an integer using `decimal_places` decimal places as precision. adapted_costs : list of list of int `costs` scaled into an integer using `decimal_places` decimal places as precision. adapted_capacity : list of int A list with, for every cost dimension, the same `capacity` scaled into an integer using `decimal_places` decimal places as precision. decimal_places : int Decimal precision used to scale floats in `values` and `costs` into integers. Methods ------- solve() Solves the LP problem. print_result() Inherited from BaseSolver. validate_instance(values, costs) Check if an offline packing LP instance is valid for this solver. Notes ----- The google solver used here does not accept floating point numbers, as it considers the problem as a discrete one. Thus, we multiply every value, cost and capacity by :math:`10^n` where :math:`n` is `decimal_places`. Also, this solver only accepts one item options per instant. *Validity Conditions:* Also, there are variantions of the packing problem. Some allow the algorithm to do nothing, not packing any item, in an instant. Some compel the algorithm to make a choice in every instant. The google solver only accepts instances where it is not required to pack an item in every instant. This solver also only accepts instances where there is only one item available per instant. Read more about the `Google OR-Tools Knapsack Solver`_. .. _Google OR-Tools Knapsack Solver: """ solver: Any adapted_values: List[int] adapted_costs: List[List[int]] adapted_capacity: List[int] decimal_places: int def __init__(self, values: List[List[Union[float, int]]], costs: List[List[List[Union[float, int]]]], capacity: float, decimal_places: int = 6): GoogleKnapsackSolver.validate_instance(values, costs) super().__init__(values, costs, capacity) self.decimal_places = decimal_places self.adapted_values, self.adapted_costs, self.adapted_capacity = self._adapter() self.solver = pywrapknapsack_solver.KnapsackSolver(pywrapknapsack_solver.KnapsackSolver .KNAPSACK_MULTIDIMENSION_BRANCH_AND_BOUND_SOLVER, 'KnapsackExample') self.solver.Init(self.adapted_values, self.adapted_costs, self.adapted_capacity)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_instance(values: List[List[Union[float, int]]], costs: List[List[List[Union[float, int]]]]) -> None: """Check if a given instance is valid for this solver. Refer to the *Notes* to check validity conditions. Parameters ---------- values Values for the instance. For format, refer to BaseSolver parameters. costs Costs for the instance. For format, refer to BaseSolver parameters. Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception If problem instance is not valid. """ for value_options, cost_options in zip(values, costs): if(len(value_options) > 1 or len(cost_options) > 1): raise Exception("GoogleKnapspackSolver only works with one item per instant.")
def _adapter(self) -> Tuple[List[int], List[List[int]], List[int]]: """Adapts instance values from floats into integers. Returns ------- values : list of int List containing the adapted values of each instant (only one item per instant in this solver). costs : list of list of int List containing, for each instant, the item's adapted costs. capacity : list of int List containing adapted capacity, the same for each dimension. """ factor = pow(10, self.decimal_places) capacity = [int(self._capacity * factor)] * self._cost_dimension values = [int(t[0]*factor) for t in self._values] costs = [[int(self._costs[t][0][dim]*factor) for t in range(self._size)] for dim in range(self._cost_dimension)] return values, costs, capacity
[docs] def solve(self): """Try to solve the LP problem and sets `optimum_value`, `packed_items` and `packed_weight_sum`. Returns ------- None """ factor = pow(10, self.decimal_places) self.optimum_value: float = self.solver.Solve() / factor self.packed_items = [-1] * self._size for i in range(len(self.adapted_values)): # if item was packed it was first option of the instant, meaning index 0 if self.solver.BestSolutionContains(i): self.packed_items[i] = 0 for dim in range(self._cost_dimension): self.packed_weight_sum[dim] += self._costs[i][0][dim]