Source code for offline_solvers.python_mip_solver

from typing import Any, Union, List
from mip import Model, MAXIMIZE, CBC, BINARY, OptimizationStatus, xsum, maximize
from fast_online_packing.offline_solvers.base_solver import BaseSolver

[docs]class PythonMIPSolver(BaseSolver): """Python-MIP Solver, used to model and solve the offline Packing LP Problem, using a COIN-OR Branch and Cut (CBC) solver. Parameters ---------- values Refer to the BaseSolver parameters. costs Refer to the BaseSolver parameters. capacity Refer to the BaseSolver parameters. max_seconds : int, default=30 Maximum time spent searching for better solutions, in seconds. Attributes ---------- optimum_value : float or int The optimum value found for the LP problem. packed_items : list of int A list containing the indexes of the items chosen in each instant. packed_weight_sum : list of float A list containing the optimal solution's total cost for each dimension. solver The instance of the Python-MIP solver. max_seconds : int Maximum time spent searching for better solutions, in seconds. status : {mip.OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL, mip.OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE, \ mip.OptimizationStatus.INFEASIBLE} Result of the optimization procedure. Methods ------- solve() Solves the LP problem. print_result() Inherited from BaseSolver. Notes ----- This is a Mixed Integer Programming modeler and solver, being much more flexible than the Google Knapsack Solver, accepting all types of variantions of the problem: more than one item per instant, obligatory packing or flexible packing. Read more about the `Python-MIP Solver`_. .. _Python-MIP Solver: """ solver: Any max_seconds: int status: int def __init__(self, values: List[List[Union[float, int]]], costs: List[List[List[Union[float, int]]]], capacity: Union[float, int], max_seconds: int = 30): super().__init__(values, costs, capacity) self.max_seconds = max_seconds self._build_model() def _build_model(self) -> None: """Initializes the Python-MIP solver and builds a model for the Linear Programming problem, setting an objective function and constraints. Returns ------- None """ self.solver = Model(sense=MAXIMIZE, solver_name=CBC) m = self.solver m.verbose = 0 # creating variables for all instants and options x = [[m.add_var(name=f"x[{t}][{opt}]", var_type=BINARY) for opt in range(self._options_per_instant)] for t in range(self._size)] # setting capacity constraint for dim in range(self._cost_dimension): m += xsum(self._costs[i][item][dim]*x[i][item] for item in range(self._options_per_instant) for i in range(self._size)) <= self._capacity # type: ignore # setting constraint to only choose one item per instant for t in range(self._size): m += xsum(x[t][i] for i in range(self._options_per_instant)) <= 1 # type: ignore # setting objective function m.objective = maximize(xsum(self._values[i][item]*x[i][item] for item in range(self._options_per_instant) for i in range(self._size)))
[docs] def solve(self): """Solves the optimization problem and sets `status`, `optimum_value`, `packed_items` and `packed_weight_sum`. Returns ------- None """ self.packed_items = [-1] * self._size self.status = self.solver.optimize(max_seconds=self.max_seconds) if self.status in [OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL, OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE]: self.optimum_value = self.solver.objective_value for idx, v in enumerate(self.solver.vars): if abs(v.x) > 1e-6: # chosen options for an instant are the positive variables chosen_idx = idx % self._options_per_instant time_instant = idx // self._options_per_instant self.packed_items[time_instant] = chosen_idx for t, packed_idx in enumerate(self.packed_items): if t >= 0: for dim in range(self._cost_dimension): self.packed_weight_sum[dim] += self._costs[t][packed_idx][dim] else: self.optimum_value = float("inf")